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The Center for Literacy Development offers many services to assist teachers, coaches, supervisors, principals, and other educators to improve their schools literacy programs and their own learning.

Coaching and Intervention Services

The center provides experienced consultants to do workshops, coaching, and modeling strategies to enhance teacher performance and student achievement. Professional development is tailored to your school’s needs. We can also offer on site Rutgers courses for credit (additional fees apply). This year we are coaching in schools in:

Roselle Park


West Orange


New Brunswick

Islamic school in Paterson




Fort Lee

The Rutgers Read Club

The After-School Reading Program, designed by the Literacy Center, provides an on-site intervention model for struggling readers performing below grade level, but not classified. Tutoring is done twice a week for 12 weeks; students can graduate or continue at the end of the program. Tutors are district teachers who can be compensated with designated after-school funds or grant money. A three-hour professional development session will be provided for participating tutors.